I'm bored. Andy declared a cheese war on me. Oh well.

O.o. Cheese is yummy. =D Too bad I didn't realize Andy declared a cheese war on me earlier. Sigh. Oh well. I'm making a new cbox - THE CHEESE CBOX.
Edit (14:44) ~ I made the cheese cbox. My sister sucks. She never lets me use the computer with better memory, a mouse with batteries, and Adobe Photoshop.
== "" -- <><>>> Cheese. This counts as a cheese related item. Because it says cheese. <<<><> -- "" ==

I'm bored. Major bored.
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It's supposed to be a piece of cheese. It barely looks like one to me, though. IT LOOKS LIKE A SHOE.
My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.