Hello, fellow citizens of the world, I am your dictator! You will only eat cheese when given permission. It is otherwise reserved for me. *glares at cheese-eater* I pawn you, and Pi is approximately 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971. Phi sucks, however it has an interesting value. It is... 1.61803. Andrena sucks, and so does Nick. Ropes are great for suicide, and I am your king! [and dictator] My sister is a tater tot. If you have any objections, you can go die. Happy day! Wait. No. Never mind. Tater tots pawn noobs. Punkasses suck and you do too. Bye. Any questions? Yes? *fires gun at revolution-starter* Anyway, I'm bored. Oh yeah, and... Andy's CBOX is black. Black is good. But Blue is better. [both the person and the color] And finally, black+blue=bruise. O.o So.... Any more questions? No? Ok. Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off, who was left?
My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.
My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.
my cbox is blue
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im a tater tot... dictator tot xD
my dictatorship speech ownz yooh
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it was repeat thats the answer... but i dont need the question REPEATED... fool
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