44 minutes
Hmmmmm........ I overread for my reading journal. 44/30. That's an improper fraction. I read for x minutes when I was supposed to read for y minutes. And the improper fraction will tell you the values.
Anyway. I got in Pre-Algebra, which I found out a few days ago. Stanley wants to get in Algebra. My sister got in that. Genevie sat on the wrong boiling spot of blackness on the blacktop of doom and peril at PE. I mean, she sat on number _, meaning she sat in fromnt of 31, though she was supposed to sit behind 29. You don't get it, do you. Oh well. I taught my sister a new Algebraic math skill today. Figure out the bottom problem. We had an assembly today. =o 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 ... something else.... yeah. Uhhhhhhhhh..... I took a shower earlier. Um.... Tom Sawyer.
1. Solve for x = 7
2. What is y?
3y - 6 = 18
I made those up. Do the problem below. Click here
Edit (21:40) ~ Hmmm.... I have to go sleep. Who votes that I kill the top cbox and everything below the post section?
Edit (21:45) ~ I do. So I win. Anyway, if someone on my Buddy List wants a better link, make a thin banner [168 x 16 or less].
My random math problem of the day:
(4a + 99)3 + 3 = 1225046
What is a?
Anyway. I got in Pre-Algebra, which I found out a few days ago. Stanley wants to get in Algebra. My sister got in that. Genevie sat on the wrong boiling spot of blackness on the blacktop of doom and peril at PE. I mean, she sat on number _, meaning she sat in fromnt of 31, though she was supposed to sit behind 29. You don't get it, do you. Oh well. I taught my sister a new Algebraic math skill today. Figure out the bottom problem. We had an assembly today. =o 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 ... something else.... yeah. Uhhhhhhhhh..... I took a shower earlier. Um.... Tom Sawyer.
1. Solve for x = 7
2. What is y?
3y - 6 = 18
I made those up. Do the problem below. Click here
Edit (21:40) ~ Hmmm.... I have to go sleep. Who votes that I kill the top cbox and everything below the post section?
Edit (21:45) ~ I do. So I win. Anyway, if someone on my Buddy List wants a better link, make a thin banner [168 x 16 or less].
My random math problem of the day:
(4a + 99)3 + 3 = 1225046
What is a?
1. 77
2. 8
math problem of the day. 2
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