My sister posted this weirdness.
>Yo dig digity dawg frig friggity frawg. [Thanks Nick xD]
>Guess what? I'm cool and you're not. 15s are cool.
>Once again, you are not.
>[x] If you do not click the x, you shall die a slow, painful death [sponsored by me].
>Sponsor Link
>I pwn you all. My level 33 nublet pwns your pros! Noobs shall reign!
>*Guest post by Nada [starlight716n] and she is so awesome so you should come visit her page and leave comments on every post cause she's cool like that, yo.
>Yo dig digity dawg frig friggity frawg. [Thanks Nick xD]
>Guess what? I'm cool and you're not. 15s are cool.
>Once again, you are not.
>[x] If you do not click the x, you shall die a slow, painful death [sponsored by me].
>Sponsor Link
>I pwn you all. My level 33 nublet pwns your pros! Noobs shall reign!
>*Guest post by Nada [starlight716n] and she is so awesome so you should come visit her page and leave comments on every post cause she's cool like that, yo.