List of made-up fears
Here are some fears I put together by adding a Greek prefix to the suffix phobia. I do not guarantee correctness, though I do not know much about the creation of words, so I may have validly created a few new words, or stumbled upon a few old ones.
- Lachanophobia [fear of vegetables]
- Kakophobia [fear of bad things]
- Calyptophobia [fear of being covered]
- Ectophobia [fear of being outside]
- Oecophobia [fear of houses]
- Keratophobia [fear of horns]
- Kinophobia [fear of movement - like in some games, if it moves, kill it]
- Tautophobia [fear of similarities]
- Technophobia [fear of skill]
- Theophobia [fear of gods]
- Threpsophobia [fear of nutrition]
- Thylaphobia [fear of sacks]
- Zanthophobia [fear of the color yellow - yes, the color YELLOW!]
- Zygophobia [fear of unions]
- Nematophobia [fear of threads]
- Demophobia [fear of people]
- Daemonophobia [fear of demons]
- Dendriphobia [fear of trees]
- Goniophobia [fear of angles]
- Gnotophobia [fear of learning]
- Myriaphobia [fear of large amounts]
- Iconophobia [fear of sacred images]
- Phreatophobia [fear of wells]
- Phosphorophobia [fear of light]
- Phlogophobia [fear of fire]
- Phobophobia [fear of fear]
- Phonophobia [fear of murder]
- Calliyoctorhamphophobia [fear of eight beautiful curved beaks]
- Eluromelanophobia [fear of black cats]
- Aerophobia [fear of the air]
- Adelphophobia [fear of male siblings]
- Aesthesiamegamechanophobia [fear of understanding how a large machine works]
- Aphobophobia [fear of the lack of fear]
- Amelissophobia [fear of the lack of honeybees]
- Xiphobaptizomophobia [fear of swords being immersed in soup]
- Hagiophobia [fear of holiness]
- Taphohelicihelminthophobia [fear of the burial of a bent and twisted worm]
- Baptimelanogalactodelodelatmegalodeltophobia [fear of visible, large, and triangular shaped writing-tablets dipped in dark milk]
- Melophobia [fear of apples]
- Cytokaryophobia [fear of hollow walnuts]
- Kleptoleptolachanoalepidopterphobia [fear of stealing thin vegetables in the absence of a moth]
- Rhabdoiatrophobia [fear of rods used for healing]
- Icosalachanophobia [fear of twenty vegetables]
- Bothrabyssophobia [fear of bottomless pits]
- Aphanoaphroarachnophobia [fear of invisible foam spiders]
- Autoauxophobia [fear of self-growth]
- Baptitoxosacchariphobia [fear of dipping an arrow into sugar]
you're ugly
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your'e ugly
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anonymous is mean but not me!
i have;
Zanthophobia, Dendriphobia, Gnotophobia!, Phobophobia, and Baptitoxosacchariphobia
i'm kidding..
oh yeah, this is Noelle, i got bored so i went to this thingy in "October" because that's when i was born and i'm lame so yeah, sorry.
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Lachanophobia, kakophobia (or cacophobia), calyptophobia, ectophobia, oecophobia (or ecophobia), kinophobia, tautophobia, technophobia, theophobia and xanthophobia are all dictionary words.
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