Random Junk: September 2005

The website for your each and every need! Or at least every other one. Random Junk! © cuckooman4
If one of those needs is awesome scripts for Interactive Buddy, click here.

Friday, September 30, 2005


I'm bored. I have to finish my math homework.

Blogger's HTML editor is weird.


2 + 2 = 4
22 = 4
2 * 2 = 4

My random math problem of the day:

15x - y - 5(3x - 2y + 5z)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm bored

Hmmmm...... I need something to do. I guess I'll go play Maple. I finished my HW at school and finished my reading journal. I got in Pre-A. Yay! I'm one grade ahead in math!


My random math problem of the day:
*this was killed cuz I was bored and it didn't even wrok right*

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Hmmmm.... I gotta go sleep. No post time now that I'm in school... = (

And I still have to do my summary!

My random math problem of the day:
Use the distributive property to write an equivalent expression
5(x + 2(4x - 3x))

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm bored.
I finished my homework. Now this is my To-Do list:

  • Read

  • Practice Piano

  • Play Video Games and/or Maple Story


I'm gonna memorize another 3 decimal places of Pi. 399.


Wake up! Wake up on a Saturday Night....

*next song*

Edit (20:21) ~ Reading Journal..........

My random math problem of the day:

Factor: [I learned that from my sister's Algebra book. =P]
65536 x y + 2048

Monday, September 26, 2005

44 minutes

Hmmmmm........ I overread for my reading journal. 44/30. That's an improper fraction. I read for x minutes when I was supposed to read for y minutes. And the improper fraction will tell you the values.

Anyway. I got in Pre-Algebra, which I found out a few days ago. Stanley wants to get in Algebra. My sister got in that. Genevie sat on the wrong boiling spot of blackness on the blacktop of doom and peril at PE. I mean, she sat on number _, meaning she sat in fromnt of 31, though she was supposed to sit behind 29. You don't get it, do you. Oh well. I taught my sister a new Algebraic math skill today. Figure out the bottom problem. We had an assembly today. =o 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 ... something else.... yeah. Uhhhhhhhhh..... I took a shower earlier. Um.... Tom Sawyer.

1. Solve for x = 7

2. What is y?
3y - 6 = 18

I made those up. Do the problem below. Click here

Edit (21:40) ~ Hmmm.... I have to go sleep. Who votes that I kill the top cbox and everything below the post section?

Edit (21:45) ~ I do. So I win. Anyway, if someone on my Buddy List wants a better link, make a thin banner [168 x 16 or less].

My random math problem of the day:
(4a + 99)3 + 3 = 1225046

What is a?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

More pointlessness

Watch the very lame sequel.

Pointless Adventures of An Idiot 2

That one took about 20 minutes. That's a guess.
I didn't look at the clock.



My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I have homework. Like usual. Now. Guess how I made this image. [I used a Photoshop Filter]

Now guess what filter I used and what I started with. =D Note: I repeatedly used it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

More readingness

I'm bored. I have to do my reading journal. I need suggestions for a new template. I want to make one. I'm bored. Yeah. Ashton and Danielle ae annoying. Hmmm... Odd. Diana hasn't annoyed me once this year, but Ashton and Danielle have. Weird. And Anna has too. I didn't ask for a hug. And Jazzmin was asking me a few days ago if I asked Ashton to go to the dance with me. Which I didn't. o.O; wtf *twitch twitch* She was the one who asked me! And I flung my backpack at her. =D By the way, I think it was a joke, I'm not sure about Danielle. Double o.O; wtf! OMG!!!!!!! *twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch* Javascript is cool. 1100 words you need to know... or something like that. Actually, I'd prefer 1100 Math, Algebra, and Web Design Concepts You Need To Know. Anyway, today we dressed up at PE for the first time. It looked funny when everyone was lined up and wearing the same thing. xD

Edit (19:18) ~ Say hello to my left elbow!

Hmmm.... I got back from Piano Lessons a few minutes ago. My hair is wet from taking a shower.

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
I have none right now, so here's my lame advice: Do your homework at school.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Tom Sawyer

I don't have much homework today... All I have is math, which I finished, and my reading journal. The title is pointless, except for the fact that that's the book I'm reading.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


What a pointless title. There are ants in my house. Some are in the shower, too. I saw about 10 yesterday in the shower. *stares*

By the way, I think I'll make small banners for the Buddy List. hmmm.... Normal ones are too tall. And I like making things. =D

Edit (11:26) ~ I took a walk with my dad a while ago. I ate Spam and Eggs for breakfast. I have to do my timeline. I need to know when I was baptized... Hmmmmmmmmmmm..... Marquees are overrated.

Edit (13:21) ~ I'm nearly done with my timeline.. I just need to color it. One more thing.

"Thou art foolish, asshole.

     I hate coloring." ~ Nada

Edit (13:50) ~ I finished my timeline. I still need to do a few more things, though. One of them is put my sister's colored pencils back. The other? Read Tom Sawyer. =D

I need suggestions for my font. The current one is Georgia Ref. I don't like it. I like Lucida Handwriting, but I don't think it's common, and it's hardly readable.

Edit (13:56) ~ Let's see....

  • Palatino Linotype Italic

  • Vivaldi Italic

  • Sylfaen

  • Lucida Handwriting Italic

  • Maiandra GD

    • Regular

    • Demi Bold

    • Italic

  • Bookman Old Style

    • Regular

    • Italic

  • Book Antiqua Style

    • Regular

    • Italic

As you can see, I like italic fonts. Those names are directly from my computer's font folder, so I'm not sure if they're correct. Like Lucida Handwriting Italic is the name in the Fonts Folder, and it's identical in Notepad, but the name doesn't have Italic in it.

Edit (14:31) ~ I have to type quickly or this won't be true. I'm making pizza rolls. =D

Edit (14:38) ~ I'm eating pizza rolls.

Edit (14:51) ~ LUCHTIME!!!!!!!!!!! Oops. Typo.
Typo again.

Edit (15:12) ~ I finished a Hot Pocket. hmmmm.....

Edit (15:24) ~ My blog is so glitchy. Check out my July Archive.

Saturday, September 17, 2005



(1.618033986 - 1.618033985) / 1.618033985 = 0.61803398


Test it out here. [http://www.onlineconversion.com/expressionsolver.htm]

(Math.pow(1.61803398,6) - Math.pow(1.61803398,5)) / Math.pow(1.61803398,5)

Actually, according to that, what I said is a bit off.

Edit (13:27) ~ I have an annoying assignment. A timeline of my life. =( Anyway, more Phiness.

I realized why the first and second formulas for Phi on this page are the same, just mixed up. First, any number to the power of 0.5 is the square root. Second, 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5.
And finally, any number times 0.5 is half of it.

I need more facts for my timeline. I can't really describe my trip to Tahoe well.

Edit (13:39) ~ Either yesterday or the day before, I found out I got an 88% on an EASY math test. Waah. I don't think I've ever gotten a B on a Math Test. = ( I hope I got a good score on the Pre-Algebra Readiness Test.

To be continued....

Edit (14:20) ~ Bored. I continued writing the short descriptions of some events in my life.

I've memorized Pi to 42 places:

and Phi to 8 places:

I think. *checks wikipedia*


Hmmmm.... something weird.... If you go to my August Archive, on this computer, it stretches the main section. Maybe it's because of the post Day 4. My page looks best when you lower the font size. I think I'll consider changing the fonts. When I designed this page, I really didn't pay attention to fonts. I only looked at a few. In case you don't know, it's Georgia Ref.

Edit (14:30) ~ Yay!

(np-np-1) / np-1 = n - 1

I think. Anyway, that relates back to this page, though I forgot why.

Edit (14:43) ~ More weirdness. Click here

And, if you type Q33 in Wingdings, which was something related to 9/11, though I can't remember what, you get:


Edit (14:52) ~ I looked at my page in Firefox, and it looks real weird. The overflow thing doesn't work, the fieldset is too small, the marquee for the news goes outside the fieldset, and the links boxes aren't correct.

This image is a thumbnail for a collection of images that shows how my blog doesn't work properly in Firefox.

Edit (15:03) ~ By the way, did you notice how the browser name wasn't the correct one? I took a browser detedtion script from another site and it thinks FF is NN.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Bored again.

I'm.... You guessed it - bored.

So I'm just going to type whatever comes into mind.

I'm on the computer. I am typing. I did most of my homework, but I still have to do my stupid timeline. Waah. And speaking of timelines, they're cool. But homework isn't. School is cool, but not really. I'm weird. That's all.

Edit (18:41) ~ ... I fixed the glitch that makes the marquee NOT stop on mouseover. My intent was for it to STOP on mouseover.

For curious people who will actually understand this, this is what happened.

<center><fieldset style="width:200px;height:150px;">
<legend><font size=1>Powered by <a href="http://www.feedroll.com/">Feedroll.com</a></font></legend>
<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 scrolldelay=16 onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" class="newsmarquee">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.feedroll.com/rssviewer/view_rss.php?type=js&source_id=1&feed_width=300&frame_color=black&title_textcolor=black&title_bgcolor=CCFFCC&box_textcolor=black&box_bgcolor=CCFF99&feed_showborder=0&feed_spacing=2&feed_align=left&feed_textsize=12&feed_textfont=Georgia Ref, Sans-serif&feed_maxitems=20&feed_desclimit=&feed_compact=1&feed_xmlbutton=0&link_openblank=1"></script></marquee>

That's the code for my news marquee.

Now take a look at this part.

<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 scrolldelay=16 onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" class="newsmarquee">

And this.

<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 scrolldelay=16 omouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" class="newsmarquee">


<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 scrolldelay=16 onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" class="newsmarquee">

<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 scrolldelay=16 omouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" class="newsmarquee">

For people who don't understand it, this is how it works.


is a marquee thing I learned. It tells the browser to stop the marquee when the mouse moves over it.


is the incorrect one. Try to find the mistake.

See? If you can't find it, click here.

"Thou art foolish, asshole. I hate coloring." - Nada

Monday, September 12, 2005


Ok. Today was okay. My backpack's too heavy though. In any case, look at the bottom of this post.

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
Sleepywood = crap
MapleTip < crap
Sleepywood + Mapletip = ALL OUT WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Yay! School started today! I found out that several people were in my class, but you won't have any clue who these people are, so I'm not going to list them. =D.

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
Sticky has icky in it for a reason.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Ack! Boredom strikes!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Lol. I took two element quizzes I already took before [check my old blog] and got the same results:

Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful,
people look up to you greatly and often seek
your protection. You have the ability to gain
many friends and you are always one people can
count on to do what you say you will do. You
are extremely loyal be it friends or family
you'll stick up for them and you are never
willing to put them in a position that could
hurt them. You know what roll you play in life,
leader, and you intend to let people know it.
Not everyone is capable of leadership but you
certainly have the willpower and flare to do
it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself,
one that can often lead you into trouble. Once
your mind is made up there is no changing it
but no one said that was a bad thing.

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

Fire element
Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot
temper and you can be warm and loving as well
and angry and wild. It all really comes down to
what you are feeling. You have a lot of close
friends who you are very protective over, and
with your temper probably some enemies too. You
are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are
your own person and don't want to be forced
into behaving this or that way. You are the
untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone
wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied
down for the moment and just keep going with
your little crushes. Your will is strong and if
you set your mind to do something, you will
most likely succeed. But beware, your friends
may not always accept your mood-swinging
behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean,
they can still feel hurt. You just need to
start thinking some things through before you
do them, and not always jump in with so much
courage. One day you may be hurt because of
that, but then again, your element isn't fire
if you start to analyse situations before you
act. After all, your nature is to shoot first
and ask the questions later. Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
brought to you by Quizilla

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.


I made a strange animation named Pointless Adventures of An Idiot 1.

Click here


Daggers! Now, the daggers are all the same color - and bigger! Hooray! And I added little slits that they're supposed to fall into...

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
A hoe is a gardening tool.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Nothing much

I had a weird dream last night... And I'm (sort of) working on a new template.

My wise words of wisdom [o.O]:
p = 3, for small values of p, and large values of 3.

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Nothing is here. Move along.