"I told you, evil laughs aren't in style right now, nor is much anything else."
Trends? They're the spawn of all evil, you know. I had a strange dream last night. It involved explosives. I'm serious. In the dream, I was playing with bombs and accidentally set the room on fire. o.O lolololololol Good thing it was a dream. Hmmm... I have to SLEEP! Lol. Here is a rule of something. |a| never equals -b, mathematically,
|a| != -b [since I can't write out the correct symbol, I used JavaScript's != for does not equal]
|a| >= 0 [>= meaning is greater than or equal to]
Hmmm... sleep... bedbugs... lol... science... 8:37.... sleep... zzz... I didn't hit the target today... we saw my piano teacher at the store... and a few minutes later my friend Jeremiah, who I hadn't seen in a while...
My random math problem of the day:
|x| = 0 - |y|
What is x? This is a tricky one.
|a| != -b [since I can't write out the correct symbol, I used JavaScript's != for does not equal]
|a| >= 0 [>= meaning is greater than or equal to]
Hmmm... sleep... bedbugs... lol... science... 8:37.... sleep... zzz... I didn't hit the target today... we saw my piano teacher at the store... and a few minutes later my friend Jeremiah, who I hadn't seen in a while...
My random math problem of the day:
|x| = 0 - |y|
What is x? This is a tricky one.
omg store
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