Mario Kart Double Dash

That's a shortcut - in reverse.
Meaning I should go like this:
/'< `--<-
-< \____
Instead of what I'm doing:
/'> `->--
-> \____
Edit (11:29) ~ Look at the bottom of the page. I overdid it. =D
Edit (12:03) ~

Edit (12:35) ~ I made a string typeout script!
Unfortunately, I can't really show you it's source code.
Here it is [if you viewed it at 12:41 Pacific time, please wait, as I insert the script into my template.]:
I tested it, it didn't work on my blog. Oh well.
Edit (3:53) ~ If my calculations are correct (which I very much doubt), I throw at 17 miles an hour. If my calculations are correct.
My random math problem of the day:
Joe threw a baseball off a roof.

The elevation he threw it from was 41 meters above sea level. Its initial upward velocity is 67 meters per second. After five seconds, how high is the ball? Use my approximate formula, not yours.
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