Random Junk: NARUTO

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Friday, June 30, 2006




uhhh... I downloaded many Naruto sprite sheets. I'm going to make animated GIFs with them now.

Edit (4:25) ~ I forgot to mention that there's a swim show tomorrow [end of the month thing I think]. Today is Gabriel and Jaea [spelling...?]'s last day... =(

Anyway. Naruto vs. Kabuto.

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If you can't tell, here's what happens.

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Next up: Neji vs. Rock Lee.

Edit (4:47) ~ Change of plans. Neji... vs Sasuke. Who will win? I already have it in mind, but have fun guessing!

Edit (6:23) ~ It's not my fault it's so fast. Imageready is actually slower than it is in the actual GIF. Online, it becomes even faster somehow. So anyway. Neji vs Sasuke. This one isn't too hard to follow.

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I'm going to make this a tournament thingy. You can tell I favor Naruto, but I'll try to make it non-biased.

So right now, it's:

| |
1---3 ?---?
| | | |
1-2 3-4 ?-? ?-?

1: Naruto
2: Kabuto
3: Neji
4: Sasuke

I think I'll make Kankuro vs. Kakashi next. And then Gaara vs. Rock Lee. These decisions are not final.

Edit (7:24) ~ I told you they weren't final. Kiba vs. Sakura. This is the shortest one yet. I got bored of it, soo...

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| |
1---3 6---?
| | | |
1-2 3-4 5-6 ?-?

1: Naruto
2: Kabuto
3: Neji
4: Sasuke
5: Kiba
6: Sakura

Hobey-ho, Pandu.


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That's cool. Is there a way to slow it down though?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 30/6/06 4:47 PM


does having like 20 other browsers slow it down?

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous at 30/6/06 7:41 PM



Posted by Blogger mickey the wicked at 12/7/06 2:06 PM

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